Parks and Recreation



For all program registrations, please visit:


Our mailing address:

Charlestown Parks and Recreation Department4540 South County Trail
Charlestown, RI 02813         




Seasonal Passes are available for purchase beginning May 1, 2025

Seasonal Passes may be purchased at Charlestown Town Beach, Blue Shutters Beach and at the Town Clerks office Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. You must provide a current vehicle registration along with the appropriate fee. If you are not able to visit Town Hall during regular business hours, you can mail in your request. For mail ins, please provide a copy of your license, vehicle registration payment and self-addressed stamped envelope. Please contact the Clerk's office, (401) 364-1200 for the required information for mail-ins.

Please be sure to review the current rules and regulations regarding the use/purchase of passes as well as those pertaining to Town owned facilities. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Clerks office at (401) 364-1200.

The beaches open on Monday, May 26, 2025 and continue through Labor Day. 


Beach Hours Mon - Fri 9 AM to 5 PM

Weekends/Holidays 8 AM to 5 PM


** Non-Resident passes are ONLY accepted at Blue Shutters beach. NOT the Town beach. **


Prices for 2025:

Resident Beach Sticker $75

Resident Senior Citizen (65 or older at the time of purchase) $35

Non-Resident Beach sticker (ACCEPTED AT BLUE SHUTTERS ONLY) $150

Non-Resident Senior Citizen (ACCEPTED AT BLUE SHUTTERS ONLY) $70

Cottage Pass $475


Daily entrance fees for 2025:

Weekdays                             $25.00

Weekends/Holidays             $40.00




Zumba- $5 per class, no registration necessary. Monday and Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm. Email instructor Gwynne Millar for Zoom invites.