Stormwater Drainage

Stormwater Drainage

  • Catch basin cleaning is performed annually and begins after the street sweeping is completed.
  • It is normal for catch basins to hold water below the pipes throughout the year.
  • It is impossible for DPW personnel to check all of these structures during a storm. Please help us in keeping the tops of catch basins clean so that they catch water.
  • Remember, Town Ordinance prohibits the discharge of water onto the traveled surface of a town road.
  • Do not dump any waste oil, paints, animal excrement, septic system liquid, laundry water or other pollutants into the Town drainage system. These pollute the receiving waters of the Town and State.
  • Contact the DPW should you smell foul odors coming from a catch basin.
  • For additional information regarding storm water management, consult the RI Department of Environmental Management website: or the United States Environmental Protection Agency website: