Road Boundaries
Where does my property end? Don’t I own all the way up to the pavement?
Many residents are uncertain in regard to their boundary at the street front. Many homeowners presume that they own and control the property from their home to the pavement. IN ALMOST ALL CASES THE FRONT BOUNDARY OF YOUR PROPERTY IS NOT THE ROAD PAVEMENT! In most areas Town property, known as the ‘shoulder’ is situated between your home and the pavement. The road shoulder may be grass, or natural un-improved woodland and brush. The shoulder may vary from twelve (12) feet in newer subdivisions to thirty (30) feet or just one foot or less along the original colonial roads in the community. It is important to know your boundaries before planting trees, shrubs, fences or other improvements. The shoulders are very important to the Town as they provide space to dodge traffic, infiltration of storm water, and storage for snow in the winter. To determine your true boundary, we recommend a survey by a surveyor licensed in the State of R.I.
The DPW is not responsible for damages to items placed within the Town owned right-of-way by residents i.e. landscaping, fences, timbers, etc. Please call Alan at (401) 364-1230 weekdays from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm with questions.