Genealogy Information
Birth, Death and Marriage records from 1738 to present day are stored in the Town Clerk’s Office. Many of these records may be obtained at State Archives (401-222-2353). Pursuant to RI General Law, the only records available to the public are death records over 50 years old and birth and marriage records over 100 years old. Certified vital records are available upon completion of a form by qualified persons.
For those who are doing genealogy, the office policy is as follows:
Because the older vital record books have been defaced, the office policy is that the Clerk’s office will do the research (as time allows). We will not deny you access to records in which you are entitled, but we will search for them on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, as much information as you can give is helpful when requesting information.
Genealogists should note that if the record is not in Charlestown, it may be in the Town of Richmond, Hopkinton, Westerly or South Kingstown.
The Town Clerk is in the process of transcribing the old vital books from 1738 to 1950 for deaths and 1738 to 1905 for births and marriages to assist people researching their family line.