Land Evidence Records
All Land Evidence records for The Town of Charlestown are recorded in this office. Our records date back to 1738. A computerized index with digitized images is available to the public through the ACS web portal. Individuals seeking information about particular recordings should do so by e-mail or in person.
All recorded documents are deemed to be public record. Documents presented for recording must be originals or certified copies. All notaries must print or type their names underneath their signature. The mailing addresses of the grantee must be on the face of the document.
Fees for recording are set by Rhode Island General Law and vary in cost. The fee must accompany the recording. If done via mail, a self addressed stamped envelope must accompany the recording.
Certified copies of documents may be obtained either in person or by writing to this office with your request, accompanied by the appropriate fee (per R.I. state law - $1.50 per page and $3.00 for the certification) and a self addressed stamped envelope.