Marine Patrol and Harbor Management Department

Feel free to explore the site for useful information to help make your season a safe and enjoyable one.


 Report oil spills to Safety Office   (MSO Providence 401-435-2300)


Information and Notices


Ninigret Pond Breachway Channel Map (August 27th, 2024)


RI DEM Press Release on Charlestown Breachway



Charlestown Harbor Management Plan


On July 11th, 2018, the Town of Charlestown's 2018 revision of Harbor Management Plan was approved by the Coastal Resources Management Council. To view the complete plan, please click the image below.



Town Ordinance Amendments;



Mooring Permit Fees

Private, and Waterfront Mooring Permit $135
Commercial Mooring Permit $260
Mooring Permit Wait List Application $25



Online Mooring, Mooring Permit Management Software

The Harbor Department will now be using Online mooring, a web based mooring permit software, to manage town issued mooring permits.

For detailed instructions how to renew your existing mooring permits, click the here.

If you wish to obtain a new Mooring Permit, please contact the Harbor Master. Public moorings are issued by waiting list only.

Mooring Permit Waiting List

Mooring Permit Waiting List is available to view online.

The Mooring Permit Wait List can be found under the "News and Information" side navigation bar


Mooring Service and Inspections

For a list of town approved Mooring Service Providers for Mooring Tackle Purchase and Inspections, please click the link below

Mooring Service Providers



Mooring Rules and Regulations and Local Boating Laws

Current Mooring Rules and Regulations, and Local Boating Laws can be viewed under
"News and Information"



No Personal Watercraft



Per Town Ordinance 86-7, Personal Watercraft are prohibited on Ninigret, Quonochontaug, and Watchaug Ponds.

Launching of a Personal Watercraft can be done at the Charlestown Breachway, and Quonochontaug Breachway State Boat Launches for ocean access only.