Welcome to New England !

Are You Ready ?

It's never been a matter of "IF",  it's a fact of life that it's a matter of "When."

New England, due to proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, is known for it's powerful hurricanes and potent Nor' Easters.

Anyone that lived through or has studied the Blizzard of '78 can appreciate the superabundance of that type of gale.

Take the time to prepare, the Life you save - could be your own !

RIEMA, FEMA, CEMA are all acronyms meaning "We're here to help."

So get ready, tomorrow will be here in the morning.

Want to make the world a little better place in an emergency, then donate a pint of blood if you can. It's always a good place to start.

Sign will look something like this.

Section 1 - Local Evacuation Information.

After complications from approach of Hurricane Irene in 2011, Local Officials continue to work with their State and American Red Cross counterparts to implement a working expandable system... based on pre-determined Regional Shelters.

Status / Type (Notes) ...Location...Address

Stand-by / Reception Station (For incidents 2 to 12hrs in duration) )...Charlestown Community/Senior Center located at #100 Park Lane, Ninigret Park, Charlestown, RI 02813.

Stand-by / Local Shelter Only (For incidents under 24hrs in duration)...Charlestown Elementary School located at #363 Carolina Back Road (Rte-112).

Stand-by / Regional Red Cross Shelter... CHARIHO Middle School located at 455B Switch Road, Wood River Junction ( Take Rte-91 to Wood River Post Office, turn onto Switch Road and proceed up to the CHARIHO Campus on the left. The Middle School is on the East Side of the campus - behind the High School and Vo-Tech.)

Stand-by / Regional Red Cross Shelter... available for Charlestown Residents at Westerly Senior Center, #39 State Street, Westerly RI 02891

Some Team Members pose for picture after a "On-Air" Drill" in 2009

Section 2- EOC/ HRT (Amateur/ HAM Radio) Info.

2024 Field Day Weekend Information

The Charlestown EOC/ Emergency Operations Center is supported by a "Team" of volunteers who are familiar with ARES, MARS, RACES and/or SKYWARN.

All EOC/ HRT members have picture ID Cards and have passed local criminal background checks.

All EOC/ HRT members possess FCC Radio Licenses to operate HAM Radio in a support capacity before/during/after an Emergency Situation. 

RIDDC Logo.gif
RI Development Disabilities Council

Section 4- I know a disabled, homebound and/or special needs person, How can I help them ?

Charlestown's Rural Nature forces Emergency Management to pre-plan using an All-Hazards Approach.

We've found that the same things that help a handicapped person daily are even more important in a time of emergency. Need a special ramp to get into the school - Well, it's probally the same ramp you need to get into the school if it's acting as an Emergency Shelter or Public Meeting place.

Need a source of portable oxygen to go a public meeting, Well, It's probally the same device needed to go to the Emergency Shelter during a Hurricane.

If you can't find it through normal means, Please contact CEMA for information to help with any of your special needs. 

Also, You can "Click" into this section for more information if you or someone you know is disabled or handicapped.


Section 5- OOEA Program Info.

Local Goverment Infrastructure may be damaged or destroyed by Disaster and /or Severe Weather Event.

OOEA Program will act from OUTSIDE the effected area to assist with recovery.

Section 7- Click this line for more Info about the CEMA Team Staff

Director- Kevin R. Gallup

Assistant Director/ Operations - John Zabriskie

Assistant Director/ MEDS - Lisa Schipritt

Assistant Director/ SNER - Libby Bray

MEDS/ Local POD Manager - Lisa Schipritt

MEDS/ Assistant POD Manager - Doreen Valiquette

CERT Instructor - Philip Gingerella

CERT Captain/Coordinator - Ken Valiquette

Reaction Team Leader - Erin Gingerella

Chas. Emer. Shelter Coordinator - Gary Theroux

EOC/Ham Radio Team Leader - Pending

Reception Center Volunteer Staff Leader - Pending

Emergency Courier (4wd) Team Leader - Jon Smith

Emergency Neighborhood Watch Team Coordinator - Pending

OOEA Program - Town of Carrol NH/ Deputy Director John R. Trammell (Carroll Emergency Management)

Section-9 Charlestown River~Watch.

This is a element of Charlestown EMA. This program was instituted in April 2008 to react to State of Rhode Island EMA requests for situational awareness, in regards to Real-Time Flooding and Dam Structural Status.