Pavilion Usage Information

For ALL pavilion usage NOT requiring insurance (rentals by an organization) such as: 

Birthday Parties, Showers, etc.

*COVID -19 GUIDELINES - All groups or individuals using the pavilions and/or town owned parks are required to follow the State of Rhode Island's Covid-19 guidelines, including group size. Guidelines can be found at


The pavilion usage policy requires you to fill out the application to reserve your spot. 

Once dates become unavailable they will be posted below. ****Dates are subject to frequent change. Please check back often. **** There are no accommodations for planned parties events and a more formal venue which takes reservations may be more appropriate for those functions. 


Every other date is first come first serve.

Check back often as dates are updated.

Pavilions cannot be saved (using decorations, coolers, tablecloths, etc.) without a person

remaining in the pavilion at all times.


Please share pavilions and park resources

Clean up all trash and place in proper receptacles. 


If you are a member of an organization, sports league, school group, event promoter, race director, please see the application page here.

Unavailable Dates (an X means the pavilion is unavailable on the date). Click here for dates.


Revised May 26, 2022